- Give X all your money – https://daringfireball.net/linked/2023/10/27/musk-x-banking
- Grimes is the momma – https://www.vulture.com/2023/10/grimes-elon-musk-lawsuit-parental-rights-children.html
- Give Russel Brand some of your money – https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/russell-brand-begs-fans-for-financial-support-says-hes-victim-of-a-conspiracy/news-story/0530ce868da017ef2c751e823dcdd415
- Give Charlie Sheen’s daughter some money too – https://people.com/sami-sheen-onlyfans-stirring-up-drama-with-parents-denise-richards-charlie-sheen-source-7547328
- Buy some beer from Amouranth – https://kotaku.com/amouranth-beer-yeast-order-of-yoni-twitch-kick-1850966738
- Todd Howard didn’t WANT to announce Elder Scrolls 6, you made him! – https://www.darkhorizons.com/why-elder-scrolls-vi-announced-so-early/
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