- Armed and Gelatinous is out now, go get it! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcOYG4Hqo_Q
- Starfield is getting more fun – https://kotaku.com/starfield-update-1-11-33-new-maps-60-fps-xbox-series-x-1851449026
- Fallout 4 is next-gen – https://kotaku.com/fallout-4-ps5-ps-plus-steam-mods-game-pass-bugs-1851438302
- And they’re trying to rush out a new game – https://www.darkhorizons.com/a-new-fallout-game-rushing-forward/
- Zack Snyder is still incorrect – https://www.indiewire.com/news/general-news/zack-snyder-clarifies-comments-about-barbie-rebel-moon-1234976348/
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